
Philippine Standard Time:

Peace 911 personnel participate to Community Organizing Training

Peace 911 is a peace and development initiative of the government of Davao City to promote and facilitate joint inclusive peacemaking and peacebuilding processes as well as economic growth in its focus area. Peace 911’s focus areas are Paquibato District and selected Calinan District which are now being expanded to the entire Davao City. The Peace 911 continuously provides its services through its Peace 911 coordinators which are deployed in their respective areas. To heighten the social and interactive skills of the employees of Peace 911, the office conducted a Community Organizing Training and Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

On August 24-25, 2023 the Peace 911 invited the New Breakthrough Consultancy to discuss about Community Organizing Training and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency to orient the employees about Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. This activity was held at City Health Office Roof deck, City Health Office Building, Pichon St, Davao City and at the Human Resources Management Office Training Hall, City Hall Building, Davao City.

Community Organizing Training is a structured and educational process designed to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to bring about positive change within their communities. It is a critical component of community development and social change efforts and plays pivotal role in strengthening civil society, promoting engagement, and addressing various social and economic issues.

A community organizer is an individual who networks with and mobilizes the community to support a cause, develops programs or initiates any other positive social impact. The main purpose of community organizing is to bring the community together to identify and solve their needs.

The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency also discussed about the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. They talked through the violence and brutality of the Community Terrorist Group that they have orchestrated to innocent lives of the people most especially to the community of the Geographically Isolated Areas. This topic is very relevant since the Peace 911’s focus areas- Paquibato and Calinan Districts have also experienced these crimes. But because of the intervention of the City Government of Davao through Peace 911, after nine months, it was declared insurgency free.

These training allows the employees to deeply understand their community and provide them the skills to create positive change within its jurisdiction.

The programs and projects initiated by the City Government of Davao have begun to make tangible difference in its focus areas and is expected to grow to the entire city.

August 2023